Mobile Wayne Health vaccination clinic to take shots to the neighborhoods | FOX 2 Detroit

Mobile Wayne Health vaccination clinic to take shots to the neighborhoods

There is plenty of excitement from people who are taking advantage of free COVID-19 vaccines offered through Wayne Health from Wayne State University and their mobile medical units. 

"The majority of my friends who are older, they all got theirs,  they've been asking me when are you getting yours when are you getting yours," said Robin Young, who received the vaccine. 

People pulled up to the New Bethel Baptist Church and they didn't even have to leave the driver's seat to get their first Covid shot. 

"This is what is needed for us to get beyond on the pandemic," said Dr. Phillip Levy, Wayne Health. "We have to wear masks we have to continue to social distance. But the more people that can get vaccinated the sooner we can reach herd immunity." 

For months Wayne State University and its physician group Wayne Health, have taken vehicles across Detroit where they've done Covid tests and other health screenings. 

Now they are part of a statewide pilot program to make sure everyone has access to the vaccine. Levy, the chief innovation officer, says it's especially important to meet Detroiters where they're at. because while most drove up to Monday's clinic- not everyone has a car. 

"There's a lot of transportation challenges despite it being 'The Motor City,'" he said. "A lot of people don't have cars a lot of people can't get ready access to public transportation. And they have to rely on somebody to drive them to existing vaccination sites."

Over the next few weeks, the units will visit neighborhoods across the city and distribute 2,500 vaccines. 

To qualify you should be at least 60 years old or at least 50 with a chronic medical condition. Meanwhile, people there say this is one sign life is on its way to getting back to normal. 

"I'm really happy to get it, it's a feeling of excitement and going in the right direction," Young said. 

There are still spots open and Wayne Health asks you to sign up in advance. You don't have to be a Detroiter to get the shot. More information is HERE.

Coronavirus VaccineDetroit